When you have an upcoming criminal court arraignment and you need a criminal defense attorney capable of defending you to the fullest extent, it is best to research multiple law firms prior to hiring a legal professional. You also have to be willing to go with your gut based your interactions with criminal defense attorney you consult with. Although it is better to have a dearth of criminal defense attorneys to choose from instead of just a few, being overwhelmed with options certainly isn't going to make your final decision any easier.
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It's not only child custody that is hotly contested in divorce court; an increasing number of divorcing parents of "fur babies" are also finding themselves in a contentious battle. People love their animals and consider them their children, so when it comes time to part ways problems can arise. Read on to learn more about how the family court system treats "pet custody" issues.
How does the law view pets?
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Going through a divorce is usually an emotional and stressful process, but it is important to keep your head on your shoulders. Thinking clearly will help ensure that your divorce goes as smoothly as it possibly can. If you're going through a divorce or plan to be divorcing soon, avoid these common mistakes:
Not Hiring a Divorce Attorney
While it is possible to facilitate a divorce without legal counsel, it is not in your best interest to do so.
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The process of divorcing your partner can be an intimidating experience due to the financial uncertainty that can follow a divorce. To help lessen the financial challenges one spouse may encounter, it can be common for alimony payments to be implemented during the divorce proceedings. If you have a limited understanding about alimony, you might need to have the following couple of questions answered.
Is Alimony The Same As Child Support?
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If you are starting the process of a divorce, it might be in you and your family's best interests to speed up the process. This can cut down on expenses surrounding your divorce and let you move on and get closure faster. Here are four tactics you can take to speed up the overall divorce proceedings.
1. Give up Your Anger Towards Your Ex-Spouse
If a divorce can be processed without much turmoil by both parties, settlements can be reached faster.
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