Why Sole Custody May Be Awarded In Some Cases

In most cases, family courts are of the opinion that children are better off under the care of both parents than one parent; this is why sole custody is rarely awarded. However, there are unique cases where shared custody may not work or may harm the child, and sole custody is awarded. Here are some of those cases: The Other Parent Is Abusing the Child A parent who is abusing their child isn't likely to be awarded the child's custody. Read More 

3 Things That Can Go Wrong During Childbirth That May Warrant A Medical Malpractice Claim

Most people are fairly familiar with what medical malpractice means and even the stipulations that must be met before a medical malpractice claim can be filed. However, when it comes to birth injuries and injuries during childbirth, there is a lot of confusion around what actually constitutes medical malpractice. Without question, childbirth is one of the most emotional and trying medical events in a woman's life, but medical professionals have an obligation to follow procedures to the letter to keep a mother and her child safe. Read More 

Divorce Mediator: 3 Tips To Choosing The Right One

All marriages do not last, regardless of how hard you try to make them. Statistics back this statement up. Unfortunately, litigation can often be incredibly expensive and time-consuming – two things that you don't want to deal with when you are trying to end a relationship with another individual. So, what do you do when you are trying to divorce, yet you are trying to avoid expensive filing fees and drawn-out court dates? Read More 

Effects Of Smoking On Kids, And How To Mitigate It

Whether or not you smoke may be a factor in your child's custody determination. This is because you may expose your child to secondhand smoke, and custody is usually made based on the child's best interests. Here are some of the ways in which secondhand smoke may affect a child: Cognitive impairment Kids who inhale secondhand smoke have a high risk of developing cognitive impairment, which means they are likely to have problems remembering things, learning, and making rational decisions. Read More 

Divorcing Someone With A Mental Illness? What You Need To Know

Every year, more than 40 million Americans deal with some form of mental illness. If this figure is more than a statistic, but a real-life experience for you, you know firsthand just how serious mental health concerns are. If you're dealing with a spouse who suffers and you're seeking a divorce, your level of complication may seem to only increase. Talk with Family Speak with the family of your ex when you determine divorce is best. Read More