Child visitation doesn't always involve a physical visit with your child. Most states give room for virtual visitation, which takes place via electronic medium. Virtual visitation should be viewed as a supplement and not a replacement of physical visitation, but here are some of the wonderful things you can accomplish with virtual visitation:
1. Helping with Homework
If you used to help your kid with homework while you were still married, there is no reason divorce should make you stop.
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One of the joys of getting old is being able to spend time with your grandchildren. Unfortunately, it's possible for that to be taken away from you, such as when your child decides to get divorced or your grandchild is given up for adoption. Visitation rights may be completely cut off, especially if your child is now living with someone that you are not related to. That's why it's so important that you know what your rights are as a grandparent when it comes to visitation.
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If divorce is something that you are thinking about, it is important that you consider taking the time to safeguard your finances prior to actually filing the papers. This will help ensure that you are on the right track toward a secure financial future. Here are two things that will help you prepare for your divorce and protect your financial assets:
Get Copies of Your Financial Records
You will want to make copies of your financial accounts from the last several years.
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