If you're preparing to file for divorce, you may be considering whether you are going to file a no-fault divorce or a fault-based one. Although your divorce attorney may recommend one over the other, but either filing requires that you have some grounds for the filing. it is in your best interest to understand what actually constitutes a fault-based divorce, because the grounds for which you can file one are somewhat limited.
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Divorce is never easy on any members of the family, but it can have far-reaching effects on children. What some parents don't count on are kids who are actively trying to get their parents to reunite. They may be imitating popular books and films that present this as a possibility.
"The Parent Trap" is a 1960's Disney classic film starring Hayley Mills, and the 1990's remake featuring Lindsay Lohan is equally beloved.
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Recently, a small child fell into the gorilla pit at city zoo, leading to the gorilla being killed. Surprisingly, some people wanted the mother charged with neglect, sending a chill into the hearts of many parents who have temporarily lost sight of their own children on occasion. Other parents have been charged with neglect for their disciplinary actions and other parenting choices that they make. What is child neglect and what should you do if you are accused or charged with it?
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If you fail to agree on your child's religion during a divorce, it will be up to the court to make the decision for you just as it will for other issues. The court doesn't have the power to impose a certain religion on a child. However, it will make its decision based on different factors, such as:
The Age of the child
If the child is old enough, then the court may let them choose their religion.
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Divorce is almost always a difficult life experience, but few things are worse than staying married to an abuser. If you are to begin a new life safely, you must make preparations before the specter of divorce causes additional problems. Any of the below safeguards that can be accomplished in the period leading up to a separation and divorce can help keep you and your children from harm. Read on to learn about how to stay safe when divorcing an abusive spouse.
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